Ian Transue

Zabookovat interpreta

ID #886

Ian Transue

Rodný jazyk
Věková kategorie
Mladý hlas, Střední věk, Zralý hlas
English (UK), English (USA)

O mně

Originally from the US, I have been providing my voice to clients and studios for nearly 15 years, along with the occasional spot in front of a camera when the chance presents itself. Besides my complete addiction to a bucket of morning coffee, I am a long-time D&D nerd, music and film lover, pun aficionado, whisky fanatic, cat whisperer and have a disturbing desire to abuse my tastebuds with copious amounts of hot sauce. Though usually getting called on to do the standard style of reading for museum audio guides, adverts and explainer videos, I love to use dialects and other accents to spice up a video game, audiobook or to just be a bit different and act as required.

Over 15 years now recording for clients round the world ... most notably for Intel, Segafredo Coffee and Mastercard.

Zabookovat interpreta


Zabookovat interpreta

Odešlete nezávaznou objednávku v pracovní den do 16:00 a ještě tentýž den se vám ozveme. V případě, že bude odeslána později, ozveme se následující pracovní den.